Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Kangaroo Island

After having a great time in Adelaide I was now even more eager than ever to explore what Kangaroo Island had to offer. Boarding my incredibly early ferry from Cape Jervis to Penneshaw I can safely say that KI did not see me looking my best when I arrived. However once on dry land I was quickly staggered by how much incredible scenery the island has to offer.

Initially fooled like many others I assumed the island would be relatively small and walkable in a day or so – this is very much untrue and I cannot stress how essential a car is to getting around the island. Therefore once picking up my lovely little Nissan Micra (of which my dad was a little disappointed as he imagined I would be driving some sort of huge 4x4) I soon discovered that a simple half hour drive on the island can provide you with stunning views of beaches, hills, fields, and many more. Wildlife is unfortunately rather prominent on the sides of the road also – I like to think they are all just taking a rather dangerous nap but I think we all know what has really happened. 

Now for the facts: Kangaroo Island is Australia’s third largest island and is said to have separated from the mainland around 10,000 years ago. Named by the British explorer Matthew Flinders in June 1802– Matt used a great deal of imagination in that there were a load of Western Grey Kangaroos at the time.  At 115km in length and with only a population of just over 4,400 there is a vast amount of the island that has remained beautifully untouched.

After a gorgeous drive from the ferry I arrived at my lovely little unit in Kingscote, the capital city of the island (a term I stress to be used loosely) and braced myself for what was sure to be a great adventure. 

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